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Re: Additions to web page

Hi Rick,
I'm still planning on a trip up, just happened to run into one of Phils busy times (like
10 out of 12 months are most likely).  Still waiting for some word from him.  I will be
going down to Portland Tuesday morning to Undersea Expo '99 and returning home on
Wednesday night.  I plan on seeing Phils presentation on Wednesday and hope to see him at
his booth during the show.  Do you think you'll make the show?  I am also hoping to see
Vance Bradley at the show (another person I have yet to meet face to face).
Well, it's getting late, I'll check my mail tomorrow evening.
Thanks again for the pictures,

Rick Lucertini wrote:

> Dick Morrisson wrote:
> > Rick,
> > Great pictures of the wet subs!  I had a lot of ideas just looking at
> > them.  The thoughts of the past (as brought into fruition) are always
> > exciting to me.  So many times we just relive the mistakes because we
> > don't take the time to learn from our predecessors.  Thanks for letting
> > us see part of your collection.  I'll be looking at them many times I'm
> > sure.
> > Dick
> Thanks, Dick!!!
> I've been off the Net for a while - business.  Hardly even glanced at my email
> lately.
> I have MANY more to send but I'm afraid that the current system of downloading all
> full sized JPG's is going to drive the list  crazy.
> If the current method prevails (instead of using thumbnails LIKE THE REST OF THE
> INTERNET DOES) then I may have to break down the rest of the pics into tiny
> sub-categories (no pun intended) of five pics each maximum.
> Will have to contact Ray/Jon W. about me putting together a web page and having it
> put on their server under the psubs moniker.  I have a dead easy application that
> lets me thumbnail pictures very quickly.  If I send the ready made pages, then, Bob's
> our uncle.
> Coming up to Vancouver???
> --
> Rick Lucertini
> empiricus@sprint.ca
> (Vancouver, Canada)
> ________________________
> "Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
> Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."
>    Groucho Marx