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Re: Jon Shawl Question

STEVE McColman wrote:

> Hi Jon, I was wondering when your tanks are flooded and you're neutrally
> bouyant-  How do you actually dive?  Are the front thrusters powerful enough
> to push you down?  How long does it take you to reach 100 feet?
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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I can use the thrusters or trim it a few pounds heavy until I reach the bottom,
then retrim to neutral.
It has not been down to 100 ft on a manned dive, I always hit bottom first. It
could get down that far in a few minutes, but I wouldn't take it down that fast.
I don't want to hit the bottom and get stuck in the mud or stir up a bunch of
silt, so I take my time. Hey Vance how fast do most subs descend?
Jon Shawl