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Re: Sea Shepherd Sub

In a message dated 5/26/99 5:35:51 AM, rmorrisson@unidial.com writes:

<<Looking through the site "U.S. Submarines" I found reference to the
Marlin S-101, which is apparently the one owned by the subject terrorist
group.  Go to the site below if you want to see a picture.  It is still
not operational according to the site info.  Maybe they are waiting to
outfit it with the gray whale suit.


I had a brochure on it around here someplace--built in 
England--diesel-electric--depth capability 200 meters (?)--Last I heard they 
had set it up in the Azores to do science on the south slope, had done some 
test dives but was not fully de-bugged--That's all been a year or so ago so 
is fading rapidly from my feeble head.
