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Re: Liability for passengers.

On Mon, 24 May 1999 11:16:19 -0700 Dick Morrisson writes:
>Maybe you stop the question at "Is there a legally binding form?"
>As Jim Carey says so well, "I don't think so!".  There will always be
>loopholes and we will always have to (and be able to) take chances.  

Yeah, I know, but I was hoping there might be some way to limit
the damage.   I know better: I was married into a family of lawyers.

>That is what separates us from the sheep (and the democrats!).  Hoo Boy,
I can 
>feel the flames even before I send this one.  Well stick a fork in your
>and let's rock this joint!

Let the flames begin!    I'll be submerged, I hope.

I'd rather go alone than have to deal with paperwork and expensive
limitations if there's a second seat.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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