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Re: Liability for passengers.

Maybe you stop the question at "Is there a legally binding form?"
As Jim Carey says so well, "I don't think so!".  There will always be
loopholes and we will always have to (and be able to) take chances.  That is
what separates us from the sheep (and the democrats!).  Hoo Boy, I can feel
the flames even before I send this one.  Well stick a fork in your eye and
let's rock this joint!

Michael B Holt wrote:

> Is there a legally-binding form that absolves psub operators of
> responsibility in case of an accident?
> Just curious.
> This used to worry me, and for a long time I said that I'd only go
> down with my wife in my sub, but that was always misinterpreted.
> Michael B. Holt
> Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.
> --
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