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Re: Welcome new member.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Shawl <shawl@torchlake.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 03:14 PM
Subject: Welcome new member.



Hi, all.  I was on this mailing list a while back (the "Coast
Guard Kiteman"), but got off for some reason (don't 
remember why).  I *finally* remembered to try 
reSUBscribing the other night WHILE I HAD 
ACCESS TO MY PC! <g>  And here I am.

While I'm nowhere near building (or even really even
seriously designing) a sub right now, I've got some
ideas in mind.  I want to build a 1-atmosphere sub that's 
more an underwater RV (recreational vehicle) than 
an extreme deep-diver.  Something with some range
that doesn't require a support vessel of any kind.
Use a H2 fuel cell[s] for power.  

I'm also curious about building something with a kind of
geodesic framework.  Either metal, composite, or some
kind of semi-bouyant concrete<?> I've read about.  These
last are just things I'm curious about, but haven't really

As for background, I grew up in Florida, but now live in
North Carolina.  I'm in the U.S. Coast Guard, but I'm
an aviator, so I don't have THAT MUCH connection
with the boat-side of "The Guard".