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Re: On board fires

VBra676539@aol.com wrote:


>         PLEASE don't use halon in a closed environment!  It displaces oxygen
> even better than CO2 does in the bloodstream.  See Rule Number One.  And
> PLEASE don't consider water (no matter how pure) for an electrical fire.  A
> bad jolt from a DC system can shock your heart to a stop.  Again, see Rule
> Number One.
>         I've read and been taught about high and low voltage safety
> comparisons, but I have also had the crap knocked out of me once or twice by
> those erstwhile low-voltage systems and I damned sure don't want to be
> sitting at a thousand feet with my two feet in a puddle while my battery bank
> turns itself into a DC welder--even a low-voltage DC welder.  Once the fire
> is out, you'll have plenty to do just trying to get powered back up or do an
> emergency surface procedure or whatever without worrying about that.

Aiieeeeee . . . got the message on that one.  I'm a non-welder but I've been launched
across a room "electrically".  Still don't recall the flight.  Remember the
twitching-frog-leg-from-battery-current experiment in high school?

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."

   Groucho Marx