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Welcome new member.

Welcome to the P-sub group. All 95 (or so)
of us should be getting your mail now.
If your lucky we won't all respond at once!
Jump right in, the water is fine.
Just introduce yourself and let us know what
you would like to learn or offer about subs.
There people in this group range from expert
commercial sub builders and pilots, to home
builders of subs, to sub builder wanna-bees,
and sub fans, and sub model builders, and
some just watch for fun. It's a fun and
informative group to be in!
Right Guys?  Every body say HI now. :-)
Jonathan Shawl

"Allan E. Gaines" wrote:

> Hi.  Am I "on" the PSUBS mailing list?
> Somebody reply and let me know (or
> if I receive this back I'll know <g>).  I tried
> subscribing yesterday, but my email
> wouldn't send right.  Or the server
> wouldn't work... something like that.
> -Allan Gaines
>  North Carolina, USA