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Re: Undersea Expo '99

Make sure you take pictures (with forks firmly imbedded) and send
them in to us for scrutiny.  And don't forget to spread the word about
the PSUBS organization as well.  Here's where those business cards
would come in handy.

Jon (the NH one)

VBra676539@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 5/13/99 1:18:03 AM, rmorrisson@unidial.com writes:
> <<Vance,
> I didn't even know about this show until you mentioned it.  I guess that
> is proof of how inexperienced I am at this game.  I found out the dates
> from Trimble Marine's calender of events which shows it happening on
> June 7-10, 1999.  I would like to go, and will, barring un-foreseen
> circumstances.  It's not a difficult decision for me as I live near
> Seattle (no plane fare).  I would like to meet some of you guys with
> experience in submersibles and their construction.  Maybe we could plan
> a get together over dinner at a local restaurant one night?  Any others
> going?
> Looking forward to it,
> Dick Morriss>>
> Dick--My uncle tells me that the train makes mincemeat of the trip to and fro
> and if that's the case I'll probably be staying in the precip capitol of the
> world with he and the lovely Boeing engineer type he's married to -- he
> reckons it'd be cheaper than hotels in Portland.  Any thoughts?  And you bet
> dinner, or whatever.  There are most definitely going to be some heavyweight
> sub and systems people at this thing--seminars all day nearly every day:
> Phil Nuytten, Tim Askew, Bob Ballard, Sylvia Earle, Don Walsh, Drew Michel
> and J-M Cousteau just to name the most recognizable ones.  There are enough
> PhDs (Piled higher & Deeper) in that lot to float an expedition in the
> proverbial sea of doctorial paperwork!  It's going to be something. I'll let
> you know if I can work this thing out and if so what sort of schedule I'll be
> on. Vance