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Take me off mailing list (Fwd)

Hi Jonathan Wallace,

Can you take care of this please?


It is odd that when someone wants to be removed they either send
mail to me or to the group. When you all signed up you received
instructions on how to remove yourselfs. It's not that we won't
remove you on request but so far this has happened several times
and is a bother. 

Perhaps we should add a link to the List Server Discussion Page to
remove peoples names. That way we just say, use link....


>----------------Begin Forwarded Message----------------<

Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 09:03:04 +0930
From: Scott Cannard <duck@roxby.net.au>
To: webmaster@psubs.org
Subject: Take me off mailing list

Hello to all at psubs.     Could you please remove me
duck@roxby.net.au  from the mailing list for the chat line.  It was
interesting to learn so much. Thank you       Scott  Cannard


>----------------End Forwarded Message----------------<