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Flying subs?

>    I got a good laugh at your experiences dodging cabin cruisers.  Once I
> was about 30 feet in depth and slid my 325 pound weight back to the stop
> with the hydraulics, blew my front BT and did not blow my rear tank.  WILD!
>  I fly aerobatic planes and I am used to going up at all angles, but this
> was different.  I didn't think the angle was going to stop as it got higher
> and higher.  I was also going probably 5 or 6 knots at the time.  I too
> thought about that ski boat up there, but missed him.
> Gary Boucher

But what about the biplane you passed on the way down, Did the pilot ever get out
of the loony bin after he reported the flying sub? Now that we know you take your
sub flying, do you ever take your plane diving, (underwater)?  :-)
Jon S.