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Re: Various Disconnected

	Oooooohhhh!!!!!  I love it when you talk technical.
	Speaking of box section hulls, the Nekton Series all have that box 
keel let into their hulls and used as a battery compartment.  These babies 
are STRONG, as you can imagine.  I didn't measure the wall thickness down 
there, but it looked like 3/4" or so with thick webs every foot or so.  They 
are designed around a package of eight 6-volt golf cart batteries.
	The box projects an inch or two into the hull, and is webbed 
internally between box wall & hull shell, and the hull has two, count 'em, 
two, ribs (one between the conning tower penetration and the endcap weldment 
fore and aft--but does not have one centered on the conning tower itself).  
Running those numbers must have been a LOT of fun!