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Re: variable ballast

System uses 3/4" vent and 1" flood valves--higher pressure through smaller 
aperture equals more or less the same blow rate as yours I'd guess, even if 
slower vent & fill capability--I'm jealous of your big valves though.  My 
entire system works at the over-ambient pressure which cranks me up to nearly 
300 psi at depth--doesn't matter as I am using hp stainless and swagelok 
throughout--costs the earth but it was money well spent and having spent it, 
I don't fret over it anymore--don't have the two inch valve but do have a 
bunch of others that could be de-tubed and used to flood with--the BIBBS 
gives me breathing air in case of fire (I've had the dubious pleasure of two 
smoke filled submersibles over the years and didn't enjoy either 
one)----Shallow work suggests a pretty fair chance at blow-and-go survival 
but it isn't my first choice from much over about 50 feet.  Nektons Beta and 
Gamma had a try--Beta flooded and sank--both crew members were ready from 260 
or so, and only 1 survived the ascent----Gamma went down and got the 
fatality, then recovered her sister sub immediately thereafter, but I don't 
think it made anyone feel any better.