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RE: Nylon

Still the same old grind, but it doesn't say "Morton" over the door any more.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Marsee Skidmore [SMTP:heyred@email.msn.com]
Sent:	Monday, April 19, 1999 11:04 PM
To:	Psubs
Subject:	Nylon

As I recall, Nylon 6 is the grandaddy of Nylons, and is the most susceptible
to degradation due to moisture. Nylon 6/6 and 6/12 were formulated at least
partially to combat this problem. All the 6's and 12's mean something to
Polymer Chemists, and relate somehow to the C's and H's in the molecular
structure. Molding guidelines always stress the importance of drying Nylon
prior to injection molding, regardless of flavor.

Karl, do you really go to work every day in the salt mines? :-o Joe