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Re: Batteries


While I was there I saw the cracks in the plexiglas hull. They looked like 
small (0.5 inch) flakes in the plastic. They were near the entry port.

The Lifeline website is at http://www.dcbattery.com/lifeline2.html. At least 
it was the last time I looked.

Good luck,

Ken Martindale

In a message dated 4/16/99 4:53:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
VBra676539@aol.com writes:

<< Ken,
 	What address for the web site?  I'll certainly look into it as I have 
 not purchased batts for this year.  Sub is torn down for paint and hydraulic 
 penetration plate installation at the moment.
 	You will probably be interested to know that HBOI is still plagued 
 with fractures in their plexiglas hulls.  The engineering group has decided 
 that they really need to replace the metal penetrator plate and hatch 
 penetration with nylon units.  NYLON???  Dom ain't going for it.  They are 
 changing the angles of the penetrations this time, and now use a nylon 
 bearing ring between the acrylic and the aluminum.  And the new hulls are 5 
 and 1/4 inches thick.  Yikes.