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Re: Retraction

David Buchner wrote:

> Ooops. I guess there were some flames after all. I'll just keep my big
> mouth shut about anything else I read in this backlog of messages, until
> I've read them *all*. Only 166 to go. Whoo. Eeee.

Hi, David and All . . .

You know what?  Regardless of some "potential" flames, IMHO you were right on the

As you pointed out, since when did disagreement turn into a sensitivity issue?  Maybe
we're all '90's sorts of guys.

While in university in Montreal, intellectual bantering was "de rigeur" and openly
invited, not shunned.  You thought the other person's mind was filled with debris,
but, after you told him as much, you still invited him out for a beer to tell him
why.  And, of course, you had to absorb an earful yourself!!!

And, as a number of former lurkers and newbies pointed out, they've derived a healthy
education from observing the differences in opinions.

This may be an electronic medium, but, we're still all conversing.

Long live discourse!!!

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)