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Re: Johnson-Sea-Link research

Hi, Ray:
        Reading previous posts  . .you appear to be interested in the Clay
Link/ Al Stover  fatal accident involving the Johnson "Sea Link". There was
a lot more to it than was published in the popular press. Even Frank Busby
gave a very abbreviated report ( and, I can assure you, Frank was not one
to pussyfoot !) in the interest of not embarassing or PO'ing some of the
people involved- since it wouldn't have changed anything.. The bottom line
was that bureaucracy  and protocol won and Clay and Al lost.  I suggest you
look up Dr. Dave Youngblood (Florida) if you want to know what actually
happened -
         I remember the incident well; The old man (Ed Link) had got Clay
onto a project that our company was heading up -( Deep Work 1000 - the
first thousand foot sat dive in North America) and I got to know Clay on
that dive series- his fatal accident was a short time later. As soon as we
got word of the Sea Link entrappment, we  loaded a full set of Heo2 gear
and a couple of gas quads on a cargo aircraft  . .the rest reads like a
cheap novel. I'll root around in some of our old files and see if I can
find the full report  for you . or at least a more complete version!.

Phil Nuytten