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Deep Worker

Hi, Yet another Jon (G):
        I'm just charging off to the salt mines , so wil be brief. . there
is a fairly detailed paper that I did (a couple of years ago) on the
general design philosophy and systems descriptions  of DeepWorker 2000. You
can find it on our website at www.nuytco.com  Go to the lower navigation
bar on the DeepWorker specs page . .it says something like " more details
on DeepWorker"   hope it answers some of your questions. I've been after
our webmeister to update Exosuit and generally finish the site . .soon, I
hope. Will be posting a long paper I did last year on life support systems
for small subs - it has some neat stuff for P-subbers .  I got a lot of
Email on life support and that should answer at least the FAQ!
Phil Nuytten