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Re: Chiseled in Stone (Or Concrete)...

Gary Boucher wrote:

>Once again, as I have said many times, all of this should be
>supervised by a qualified professional engineer for safety sake.  I
>doubt that there are many professional engineers that would sign
>off on concrete for a sub.  I know a prof at Louisiana Tech that is
>in the Civil Engineering section.  I would love to hear what this
>P.E. would say about this issue.  I think if any engineer would
>support the concept it would be a civil engineer.  

In addition I would recommend anyone considering using concrete
for should read the authoritative references I have included in
previous postings.   Before I spend the money on a professional
engineer, I would want to have a well documented plan.  Concrete
pressure hulls are similar to underwater tunnel construction. 
However, there must be a qualified engineer somewhere in the
world who has thoroughly researched concrete pressure hulls for
habitats and submersibles.

David  Irons