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Re: subbing in Florida

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is just up the coast in Fort Pierce.
Perry is in West Palm. Twenty years ago, I could loiter aimlessly on the
grounds of both operations without arousing suspicions, but times have
changed. :-o Joe
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory B. Snyder <snyde032@gold.tc.umn.edu>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 9:45 PM
Subject: subbing in Florida

>Dear P-Subbers-
>I am going to be spending a few days @ palm beach, FL for a conference at
>the end of the month.  Does anyone know of any interesting sub- related
>activities down there?
>Thanks -Greg