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Re: Concrete reinforcement

Hi, Dave and All . . .

DaveIrons@aol.com wrote:

> At viewport
> openings or other hull penetrations a steel ring can be imbedded in the
> concrete.  The cable would be welded on each side of the opening and the
> cable inside the opening cut away.

If the inside is cut away, wouldn't that auotomatically distort the hatch/dome
flange?  I imagine the pre-stress loads would have to be equal all around.

The embedded steel ring - are we talking a large flange similar to a 360 deg. bib of,
say, 6 in. (delta OD-ID x 0.5) or more (for stress distribution)?  Or is it more of a
flange of just a couple of inches?

Would it make sense to form the flange as a circular "I"- beam to resist inward
deflection?  The top side of the "I" would rest on the exterior of the hull and the
bottom side would rest against the inside of the hull.  Of course, the vertical bar
of the "I" would be bonded (welded or W.H.Y.) to the concrete edge.

Or is that over.kill?

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)