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Re: Books, Kittredge subs?

Rickoshea@aol.com wrote:

> The ABS book doesn't cover designing and at $80 ain't cheap.

Well I just received the ASME PVHO book (at $162 with shipping) and it isn't cheap
either!  It does go into viewport design extensively but does not cover the
cylindrical portion of the hull.  Some details are covered on the penetrations but
a fair portion of the details I was hoping to see are referred to the Boiler and
Pressure Vessal code, section VIII.

> The way to go if
> you can build your sub around the dome is to have an extra made by one of the
> acrylic manufacturers when they are doing someone else's. Plenty pricey but
> whimpering to the owner can sometime give you a great price break. Distortion
> is something to be lived with on domes.

> Rode in a Kittredge 250 years ago.

?  I didn't know Kittredge was that old!  (just kidding)

> Too
> small for 6'3" and made me uncomfortable. Almost bought a 150' sub with a flat
> 2 1/2", 2' diameter view port. Less distortion except when the port started
> bowing under the pressure. Go with the dome and beg for a deal. You will think
> it money well spent when you're under pressure to have a proper dome.

Just click your heels together and say: "There's no place like dome" three times
and you'll be there!  (paraphrased from the "Wizard of OZ")

Dick Morrisson