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Re: Annealing ovens

I built a solar collector out of rigid insulation.  The same technique
could be modified for building an annealing oven.
The following method has been used to build thousands of solar
collectors.  The plans were published in Mother Earth News:
Use Thermax insulation panels by Owens Corning.  Thermax is the
only brand which is fire rated. Thermax should be available at the
local lumber yard.  The panels can be cut easily by using a kitchen
knife with a long thin blade.  Cut and assemble the panels into a
box shape.  Chalk all joints with 100% silicon and tape the corners
together with duct tape.  The result is a surprisingly rigid and
durable oven.  Cut the access door into the side of the box with the
kitchen knife.  An oven up to about 8 feet in diameter could be
constructed out of  un-reinforced Thermax.
A viewing window could be taken from an old oven.  An old
electric oven would also be a useful source of heating elements,
heat resistant wiring and electrical cables.  
Any holes in the oven can easily be sealed with silicon caulk. 
Silicon is also a good electrical insulator.
I hope this information is useful to you.  
As a builder I am always looking for new cost effective ways of
doing things. 

David Irons

Alan Long wrote:

Subj:	 Annealing ovens
Date:	3/2/99 1:51:04 AM EST
From:	subview@mediaone.net (Alan Long)
Sender:	owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Reply-to:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org


How difficult do you think it would be to build one that will run,
oh.. 6 at a time
What does the port sit on ?

Anyone else have a design ?

I really do have to make one, I have 16 ports to anneal !!! and that's
just this
When Subview one is complete, I am going to use the experience
gained to build Subview 2.  This a little more than just a hobby,
I'm working toward building a
certified sub.
I do not intend to die with my dreams still inside me nor die inside
my dream on the
same token.

Any and all info and help greatly appreciated.