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Re: Ambient-pressure fibreglass and plywood (was: Rick's letter to me)

Michael B Holt wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 02:37:50 -0800 Rick Lucertini writes:
> >By the way, I for one will be doing the "F/G and plywood thing". It just
> won't be
> >done on a one atm. boat.
> >My design is an extremely low volume dry ambient cockpit.  Essentially
> >it's an oversized diving helmet (with great vis) attached to a plastic
> canoe.
> Kinda like the Markham boat?

Very similar.  His boat was the genesis of the ambient sub in my own repetoire of

My preference is that, because I'm already a diver, the last thing I want is to be
wet.  I'm not saying I won't one day design a LILO (lock in - lock out chamber).
But, being dry U/W would truly be a treat.  Also, our waters up here are very
conducive to long distance touring, something I fell in love with as a motorcyclist
all those years ago.

> Byt the way, I'd sketched out an alternative canopy for the Markham boat.
> My proposed version would use flat panels.  I suggest this because it's
> easier to build.   Any comment?

Sure.  If you can JPEG it, would you mind sending me a copy via email?

One thing to keep in mind: if you take a look at a fighter jet canopy, they have a
very tiny frontal area that is a flat panel.  You may want to consider the same.  If
you use a stiff cardboard template you can devise a semi-wraparound side window that
gives you both hydrodynamics and ease of construction from a flat panel.  A simple
curve will give a beautiful looking canopy.

I'll email you a version of what I'm talking about, except, this sub has only the
side windows, but, not the fighter jet flat front window.



Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)