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Re: Meeting other p-subbers

About locating Psubbers and knowing more about them:
call me paranoid, but I won't give any info about me
if this info is to be displayed in one of the PSUBS pages.
I agree to 'register' to others only if the diffusion (spreading?
God! I 'got to apologise for my poor english knowledge) of the
info is restricted to Psubs members. 'hope you all take this as
a compliment: this implies I consider all Psubbers are "good guys"!

But I agree with the idea (old idea though, I seem to remember having read this
before...) of knowing who is where and what is his goal design.


> To Michael and John Shawl - thanks for the kind words of support and I look 
> forward to learning as much as possible through this list.  One thing that 
> may help in any formation of an EAA-like P-sub national group would be for 
> the main P-Sub site to have a "registration" CGI that simply asks for Name, 
> email address and residence town/city & state.  Then a compilation of the 
> locations could be automatically tabulated on the site. That way, P-listers 
> could quickly see how many others were geographically close and possibly 
> contact each other.  One concern would be how to prevent spam 'bots from 
> grabbing the email list, but I'm sure there are ways to handle that.  Steve 
> Buerkle.
> At 12:47 AM 3/3/99 , you wrote:
> >On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 20:45:15 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
> >> Stephen V. Buerkle wrote:
> >>
> >>>  I surfed the Net for two or three years
> >>> looking for info on p-subs before becoming aware of this group.
> >
> >>Me too. It took me about 2 years of web searching to find 
> >>Psubs........................