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Re: Mechanism for Emergency Ballast jetison.

Very interesting.
I would like to see and be a part of more of this kind of "possibly" useful info.
at Psubs.

Alan Long

EdwMullin@aol.com wrote:

> I was flipping through an industrial supplier catalog today, and I found some
> DC electric magnets.  They use twelve volts and some can carry over 1000 lb.!
> Some had a spring loaded release to aid in dropping the metal being held. I
> was thinking, if these were mounted to the exterior of the hull then steel
> plates could be used as ballast.   I would think that some advantages would
> be:
> 1) Ballast would "automatically" jettison when battery power falls below
> minimums.
> 2) No way for a release mechanism to jam or stick.
> 3) One through hull for the power for probably as many points as needed.
> Disadvantages:
> 1) reduces battery duration
> 2) adds complexity(some)
> 3) means of retaining ballast when power is off...
> Has anyone heard of, or tried a system like this? Any thoughts on if it would
> be worthwhile??