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RE: Jon Who? & pay attention to subject line contents.

On Fri, 26 Feb 1999 08:58:42 -0500,
personal_submersibles@psubs.org wrote...
>Gregory B. Snyder wrote:
>> Nice offer Jon - Cagey, but nice.
>I think there are about 3 or 4 people on the list that spell their name
>"Jon" so you may have to be more specific...(snip)

DOOH! You are right JON SHAWL about that need to be more specific.  We do 
have more jons than a tiajuana whorehouse ( no offense to Tijuana, Mexico, 
Working girls, men who solicit working girls, etc...)

I was in fact referring to your offer to do lathe work for the group.
It is truely a generous offer ( in spite of the requisite disclaimers ).

Most sincerely - Greg Snyder 
( I think we need more gregs...)