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Re: How about fish finders? and speaking of periscopes...

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:37:45 -0500,.
>Hi Greg..
>I noticed you sent this to Gary...Is he a friend or do you know 

--Hi Jon - Don't worry about sending this to the group...We are All friends 
here, We're Psubbers! I appreciated your assessment of our group, and I 
trust It may be very accurate. There are a Few pepole ( like Gary / Keith 
/Ray, etc. ) that obviosly know ALOT! Then there are others who seem to 
"know it all." EIther way, It makes for some interesting Discussions.  I 
belong to neither of the the above groups and am more of a lurker, just 
waiting to have something "useful" to add.  I am currently interested in 
building a wet sub, with a dry( but open )compartment.  This is still in 
the dream stage, but I find I spend many of my less than productive hours 
at work doodling the plans over and over again.  This group has inspired me 
and directed me to consider whole new possibilities, and It is always fun 
to see who will get lit up next... We all ( well, except for that one 
cancer freak guy with the severe lack of anti-depressive medication a few 
months back )seem to enjoy the conversations / jibes - well, at least I do.

Plus, even though I get about 70 messages from the group each time I log 
on, most have something to do with subs. I collect the ones that will be 
useful to me, and disregard the rest.
So, welcome aboard - we're happy to have you. And thanks to everyone for 
helping fan the sparks of my dream.
 sincerely _ greg