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Re: Pressuring 1 ATM Subs

<< Why if ypou make the open botome part of the ambient dry sub big enough 
 and had suba equipment in side with you you could exit the sub and 
 reenter with out problem tink of it like this yo make a second level to 
 the sub below the cabin that is open to the sea then you make a non 
 sealing hach or a door so you don't get wet inthe second upper space or 
 cabin then wile submerged you could egress out of the opening if 
 nessisary or to just get out and explore. this is an idea one of my 
 freind is making crossing the plans from the C-Questor and his own 
 idea(it look mor like a real sub than the questor).  >>

Yes, but let's say you are ascending from depth and your body is loaded with
Nitrogen.  I would suppose that anyone cruising around in an ambiant sub is
probably using some sort of Dive Computer to keep track of their Nitrogen
loading.  You are approaching the 30 foot mark and you begin to level off the
sub so that you can decompress, but suddenly something malfunctions and your
sub continues to ascend.  You are suddenly faced with the situation where you
must bail your sub or risk the bends.  I don't have much experience going
against the dive tables but being in an ascending sub and passing my required
decompression stop while I scramble to get out of the sub isn't my idea of

Also, being in a pressurized compartment and using O2 tanks can cause some
complications also, you definitely do not want to raise the ppO2 level too