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Re: Visibility / Safety or Safety / Visibility ?

>>archive and i took the submanaut idea and i started to make it. if it 
>>worked once why discount it a a viable hull material??? I'm making a 
>>6' diameter wood donuts with a 5' diameter inner circle with about 3/4
>>an inch of fiberglass in side and out that's alitle over two feet 
>A few questions:
>Are your section circular?  If so, where did you get a 6x6 piece of 
>If not, how are you connecting the pieces?
yes circular but i'e usein 4X8X3/4 ply wood so i stager the 2foot add 
top then bottom  and ataching the pieces together with water proof epoxy 
fron a cocin gun and then 4 runing bolts  kina like rebar with threds at 
top bottonm and the sides
>Of what wood is the boat being built?
>Shortly after I talked with Mr and Mrs Helle, I laid out the first of 
>doughnuts on a sheet of 4x8 1/2-inch shop-grade plywood.  After
>realizing how many sheets of 3/4 it would take, I went back to
>other hobbies.
360 sheets at 6.90 a sheet $2484

>>and about 12 to 15 feet long, with a 3 foot tower i think it should 
>>to the hundred feet depth i wish to go if the submanaut went 350,,what 
>>i don't know about is the view ports and ballast tanks, I'd like to 
>>purchase the view ports pre-made and if any one could tell me the best 
>>way to make the ballast tanks I appreciate it.
>I'd like hear about where viewports can be purchased for a 200-foot
so would i

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