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Pactice safe diving (was: Significant Other / inspector!)

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:22:43 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>A word of caution,  Practice safe diving, and make sure the main HP air
>valve is off, that way if you happen get anything caught on the blow
>ballast valve, you won't make a unplanned surfacing. This is good
>because later bystanders will ask why you surfaced and then dove again 
>so soon.

I'd just tell the bystanders that I like being down so much I can't get
enough of it.

You know, a lot of problems can be avoided by proper design of the 
personnel space.   If the cushions are placed properly, inadvertent
operation can be minimized. 

Of course, some of this can be done by proper choice of position
of the operators.

In the end, it's an engineering decision that can only be made properly
after some research and some experience in the boat.

Mike Holt

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