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Re: Cubmarine Question?

EdwMullin@aol.com wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone knows or knew of anyone who has built or has
> detailed information about Perry Cubmarine?

The PC-3A is a 300 ft. rated  2 person boat.  Launched in 1965.  Endurance 8hr. @ 2
kt.  8hr. life support, 20 max. LOA 18.5 ft., bam 3.5 ft., height 5.75 ft.  $790 lb.
dry weight.  750 lb. payload.  Pressure hull: A-285 steel plate weldments, main hull
and heads, 0.25 in., canopy 0.25 in., same for motor cone and batt compartment.  Top
hatch 19.5 in. ID.  15 viewports, 8" ID.

batts were lead acid, Excel. 2 kt. cruise, 4.25 kt. max., droppable keel, main tanks
blow, hovering motors plus one stern screw, 2 regs connected to LP air supply.

Perry put out several models.  Check out Frank Busby's book "Manned Submersibles"
Worth its weight in gold.  Find it, buy it, do not lend it out.  ;-)

> --

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."