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Re: LONG POST: ISBN #'s,Sub Image Mgmt.

Jonathan Wallace wrote:

> >providing thumbnailed images
> A good suggestion Rick.  Maybe go one step further
> and make the picture pages frame based so you won't
> have to flip through pages each time.

Excellent point.  I forgot about frames.

> Does the
> thumbs plus software create actual miniature images
> or just redefine the displayed size through HTML
> code attributes?  The latter will not decrease
> download time but the former will.

These are, to the best of my knowledge, actual miniatures.  The file sizes are quite
tiny.  Some web page design apps even allow for different styles of thumbnail image

What I mean is that, for example, all the cutouts appear just about immediately,
followed by black and white low res images.  This gives the surfer a chance to scan
the gallery (ies) while downloading.  Eventually, colour and res max out to perfect
little images.

In terms of ergonomics, I strongly recommend a web design book called "The
Non-Designer''s Web Book" (Williams and Tollett - Peachpit Press  ISBN:
0-201-68859-X).  You'll never look at a web page the same again!

Now, I am NOT committing myself to the list, BUT, I have a web page in mind.  What
I've done is collect over 100 sub pics from our pages, the Web, etc.  Added to these
will be my own reference materials of somewhere between 50 to 100 more images.
STRICTLY AN IMAGE INDEX, it will be linked, of course, to the original sources.  At
most will be the creator's credit.  I have no time to reproduce Frank Busby's classic
as much as I'd like to.

Obviously, if Ray and Jon decide to Thumbs Plus PSUB's gallery, then my efforts will
be duplicating theirs.

I await with bated breath (not healthy for a diver!)
Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."