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Re: Materials/parts...

Hi all,
This is mainly to the newer members that have not seen what you can do with a 500 gallon propane tank.
I used a older (about 30 years now) tank that had a 5/16 wall thickness and 1/4 heads, to build my sub.
I have no trouble finding these used tanks for about $100 scrap price.
I did not want to go much past 100 ft. the figures I ran on my tank showed that I could do this without ribs.
I tested the finished sub unmanned to 140'. it passed.
With proper ribs it could go to about 600 ft max. these figures will vary widely depending on the thickness length and dia.
so do not apply this to any and all 500 gallon tanks. The new ones are thinner now.
I have not heard of any reason to not use a propane tank, if there is a reason please speak up.
WARNINGS... One thing you have to remember, be safe and fill it with water to the top to displace all the remaining gas before attempting to cut or weld on the tank! The gas stink will last until you can get inside and clean it good and paint it.
If you get any of the stinky oil on you (oil that accumulates in the tank), your wife will disown you and make you sleep outside. But seriously you will have to burn your clothes and anything you get it on to get rid of the smell.
One more comment on materials, I personally would not use fiberglass for a hull unless it was a wet sub!
I only know of one successful fiberglass sub, and it takes a special winding machine to do it right, not to mention the high cost.
Stay with time proven steel construction. Once you have the tools and the knowledge it's easy to build with steel. Don't make your first welding project a sub! If you don't at least have cutting and welding skills and tools to do it, then you need to find someone that does. Then make sure they know what they are doing. It's your life that is on the line! I have seen crushed hulls and blown view ports, they go BANG towards the inside.
That's all for now, Jon Shawl