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Re: Information Wanted

EdwMullin@aol.com wrote:

> Thansk for the warm welcome!  Now for the questions...
> Where can I get data for use in designing a PSub?  I would try the library,
> but is/are there certain books that are really usefull?


Three books that I've fallen in love with are, unfortunately, military oriented.
Ignore the torpedo hardening data :-)

"Practical Construction of Warships (R.N. Newton) and The U-Boat (E.Rossler -
Arms and Armour Press, London) and, my all time fave because of the extensive
discussion of design rationale, "Submarine Boats" (R. Compton-Hall, Arco Press)

> Or maybe software?

Depending on what kind of sub you'd like to build, conventional boat building
techniques are quite valid in the design of fairwaters, casings, etc.  If your
boat's going to be a wet sub or ambient, dry sub, again, conventional techniques
are called for in just about all design stages.

Needless to say, your engineering and comprehension of diving physics has to be
up to par.

All of the above leads me to the software question: there are downloadable design
programmes that offer fairly comprehensive levels of intricacy.  You may not be
able to export your designs to a CAM for patterns.  But, you've got a printer,

> I
> would like to be able to examine materials and thickness to see what would be
> the best to use for a hull.

Ultimately, consult with a certified pressure welder.  A few of the list members
have experience there.  They've got one-atm. subs.

> Also what to use for passthroughs, motors etc.

I've got many drawings I've got to email to Ray for placement on our PSub pages.
I still need to collate and label them or Ray's gonna shoot me.  They are designs
from a course that I took in submersible design.  Thru-hulls, battery connectors,
etc.  Stay tuned!

Many of us use/intend to use simple trolling motors that are either pressure
compensated or double sealed against pressure.  My choice is to run a
compensating line to a manifold kept at ambient pressure by a diving regulator..

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."