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Re: Certification

STEVE McColman wrote:

> Does anyone know who I would get in contact with in Canada to find out
> about certifying my sub, for instance, how much it will cost.  I already
> went to the ABS website and tried to find out from them but didn't have
> any success.  Any suggestions would be welcome.  If anyone else have got
> their submarines certified, I would be interested to know how much it
> cost.
> Thanks.
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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Hi Steve the X-! never made it out of the workshop ran out of money.However
we did a dry run in the shop where we filled it with water to make sure
everything was water tight.The ballast tanks are in the upper middle of the
sub not the front.We originally got plans from taylor subs out of arlington
Texasbut he was somewhat of a con artist.Did you get your plans fom him or
undersea search and rescue which is the same thing.Be careful and Good luck
keep me informed on you progress .