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Questions to Jon Shawl

I went to your website and saw your submarine.  It was very similar to 
the submarine I am designing except my submarine has an extra set of 
ballast tanks at the back.  I figure you have 480 pounds in batteries at 
the back of your sub and I was wondering how your submarine stays level 
with your ballast tanks being at the very front?  

I also have some other questions about your sub.

1.  Does your main prop cavitate being so close to the hull?
2.  How do you latch your hatch shut?
3.  What kind of seal did you use for your main shaft?  Is it a         
mechanical ceramic seal?
4.  Do you have any problems launching your sub from that trailer?        
How deep does the water need to be to float it?
5.  Are you neutrally boayant when your ballast tanks are completely      

I'm sure a lot of people on this website would like to know the answers 
to these questions too.  

I eagerly await your response.

                                 Steve McColman, Vancouver Island

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