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Networked ROV (was: Some questions about this group?)

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:53:19 -0600 "Gareth and Deepa Block" writes:
> From what you said about you and your son's plan for 
>building a web-based ROV, I would also be really curious if any one 
>had similar plans.  Or if any one had worked on the kind of interface
>were imagining (it would be great if people could log on to your web =
>page to take part in its voyage!).

I've discussed the idea of controlling a ROV via a network with some
networking experts.   They had no idea what a ROV might be, but once
the idea was explained to them, they were intrigued.  

There seems to be not technical reason it can't be done.  It's just that,
so far, apparently, the controls have been dedicated and simpler than

But the idea of being able to log onto a web site to watch through the 
camera is fascinating.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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