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Re: Hydrophone

Scott:  Thanks for your interest in our products.  Anyone with a basic
understanding in electronics and the baiscs of soldering, pdb making
will have no problem with the hydrophone project.
The proplem with using a standard mic in a waterproof housing is a
standard mic is used in air and covering the sound sensing device
would be defeating the purpose.
The plans show how to make a trandsucer that can come into direct
contact with the water.  The sound then can be amplified on the
surface or sent to a tape recorder.

Glenn R. Bartel
Midwest Engineering & Design

---Scott Shakespeare  wrote:
> Say,
> is there anything real complicated with building a hydrophone set-up? 
> Could you just take some sort of regular microphone and encase it in
> water-tight case on the outside of the sub. Or is the concept more 
> difficult than that?
> Scott Shakespeare
> Seattle
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