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Viewports and depth sounders

I don't recall seeing any homebuilts without ports.   Are there any?

Concerning the problem with spurious returns from a bow-mounted
depth sounder: would it not be possible to enclose the transducer in
a cylinder to limit the spread of the signal?   I've not given the matter
any thought before this discussion, but I would expect that a tube
extending perhaps a foot forward would limit the received signal
to precisely forward.   If necessary, one might fabricate concentric
tubes, with something between the tubes to disperse echoes (cheap
aluminum foil comes to mind).

Back to viewports:  Where I live, visibility is poor.   Perhaps a three
feet at high noon in what passes for "clean" water.   This limits
speeds, of course, so it never occurred to me NOT to fit a bow-
mounted sensor (I'm concerned about the extreme sensitivity
Gary experienced).    My design concepts seem to result in 
ports located amidships on the sides, as they'll be useless for
steering control.

But I'm NOT looking forward (pun not intended) to electronic
displays.   As someone else as said somewhere else, "We're 
all a battery failure away from the Age of Sail." 

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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