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Re: Registration

Hi Marsee,

At least put in one viewport. Just in case you loose
power or the cameras you will have something to look
at as you abort.


>I'm designing for all video and no viewports. Not only are the hull
>penetrations much easier, but the pilot won't have to crawl on his belly
>like a reptile. And the spherical pressure hull can be placed amidships,
>with wanton disregard for forward visibility.
>As for IR, that's an interesting idea. I think IR illumination will
>backscatter just like visible light. Doesn't water absorb the red end of the
>spectrum first? :-o Joe
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dave Everett <deverett@idx.com.au>
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 2:04 AM
>Subject: Re: Registration
>>At 21:05 16-01-99 EST, you wrote:
>>>I took the Sub out today for further testing in fresh water in a not too
>>>large pond. Since I had no visibility nor any sensory inputs, I couldn't
>>>if the controls were working or what.
>>Has anyone considered using modern PCB CCD camera(s) for visibility and an
>>LCD TV monitor or something similar. It seems this would eliminate problems
>>with viewports.
>>If you also use one of the infrared CCDs you could flood the water with IR
>>light and see in complete darkness.
>>Dave Everett.