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Re: Registration

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:56:14 -0800 "Marsee Skidmore" writes:
>I'm designing for all video and no viewports. Not only are the hull
>penetrations much easier, but the pilot won't have to crawl on his 
>belly like a reptile. And the spherical pressure hull can be placed 
>amidships, with wanton disregard for forward visibility.

What's the power requirements for your approach?  

What cameras do you plan to use?

>As for IR, that's an interesting idea. I think IR illumination will
>backscatter just like visible light. Doesn't water absorb the red end 
>of the spectrum first?

Yeah, you're right.  I think the IR would turn out to be disappointing
in very clear water.  However, it might work if one could project a flare
some distance from the sub, and silhouette objects in the water.  This
gives us the 
image of a tiny sub cruising along submerged, firing flares like a
missile sub. 

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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