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what a great web site (Fwd)

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Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 21:49:25 -0500
From: "Bernard Shomstein" <bmshomstein@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: what a great web site
To: ray@psubs.org


What a great web site.

I've designed and built quite a few underwater devices. Mostly video and
electric motor shells. I can't wait to start another ROV.

A few friends have built submersibles. None have ever made more than a few

One guy sold his Kitteredge sub because he couldn't find anybody with a boat
to take him out to sea. He has another sub that never leaves the yard.

My own boat is almost finished. Presently I'm doing trim work and am just
days from painting. The mechanic in the boatyard has an engine for it.
Mostly I'll use it for surface supplied diving and launching ROVs.

If you know anybody in that is having trouble finding a boat to haul their
sub or ROV out feel free to give them my name.

Best wishes with your web site and happy holidays.

Berny Shomstein
P.O. Box 1644
Miami, Fl. 33233

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