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Psubs logo

Hi Ray,

I send you in the next mail my proposition for the Psubs Logo.
Some remarques about it:

-I know I cheat as the the file is much larger than what Jon asked for.
But consider this as a draft version. I'll work on it if necessary.

- It's derived from the picture from Leah Denchick found at:
Gallery, page 20

-To my mind it illustrates quite well the 'personal' component of PSUBS.

-Also mermaids seem to be the perfect women for Psubers: you can go
together for a trip
underwater without having to build a double-seats sub!

-Of course this version is a first version and all can be modified
(coulours, sizes, fonts, organization, drawings ...if you prefer
mermaids a little fattier!).

-I prefer Personal Submarine ORGANIZATION or GROUP rather than
Group gives a feeling of an active entity.
Organization (english with an 'S' or US with a 'Z'?) gives the feeling
of a well structured entity.
While Association is neither well structured nor very active.
I think the word Group or Organization should be added on my logo.

-Concerning a short sentence to give the idea of what Psubs is,
I like very much (probably like every body) 'Mobilis in mobile'
(NB: If I remember well it's mobilE and not mobili,  but I'll check
despite the fact it's a little too common, too famous.

I also like the title of a painting found in the same mermaid web site:
'Welcome below'
(how is this translated in Latin,Tommaso? Paolo?...)

And what about 'in-depth technology'  (this one shouldn't be translated
of course)?