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Re:Kinds of Concrete?

John, Mike here in Malaysia,
This is getting a little bit deeper out of the discussion, but I
thought a while back (last year, actually) that if you mixed natural
rubber with the water used to mix the concrete with, it might
effectively waterproof the cement without having to treat the surface
chemically. If everyone is interested, one of us could test my theory,
and then we start a separate company to market the process in our
respective countries. Any comments from the group, or you ,John?

---John Brownlee <jonnie@chronic.lpl.arizona.edu> wrote:
> 	This is an interesting idea for sure. The concrete used in this
> application is not exactly stock; I remember something about the
> of microspheres to decrease the density. Also, the
> of concrete was supposedly a limiting factor, particularly under high
> hydrostatic load. Remember, it isn't just how porous a material is,
> how well connected those pores are. Much effort has gone into
> concrete mixtures which overcome this, I am sure several commercial
> mixtures are available for the truly interested.
> 	Although for subs specifically concrete may not be an answer, I
> would guess that for submarine habitats it might be really ideal,
> providing some of the formentioned unfavorable qualities of the
> can be overcome. 
> 							John
> John Brownlee
> Lunar and Planetary Lab
> University of Arizona
> jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu

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