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Re: Ballast Bladders

David Buchner wrote:

> What are you actually using for the actual bladder/balloon/bag thingy?
> [snip] All
> I can think of is air mattresses here, but I'm sure there's something
> niftier which is slipping my mind just now.

Hi - Zodiac skin would be great, especially for the heavier boat.  It's tough stuff.  If you have
redundancy built in, then Bob's your uncle.

A lighter duty fabric, and cheaper, but, still tough, is dry suit material.  It's great for a wet sub
or hardshell suit (WASP style)  Not the rubber Viking type or neoprene, but, rather the cordura
material used for hiking backbacks such as White's Diving uses on Vancouver Island.  They provide
suits to the military, SAR, etc.  If you want to contact them, ask for Frank White.  He's familiar
with the issue we're addressing here because I've already discussed it with him.

And, I would certainly use several smaller bags for control and redundancy
Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"I resent that - I don't deny it, I just resent it!"
  --- Groucho Marx ---