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Re: To anyone designing or building a sub

They had it on a cable and wench retrieved the sub. they are doing an
investigation to see what went wrong.

The boat they were using to lower the sub down simply followed it on their

Ray Keefer wrote:

> Hi,
> > anyway, the sub drops down to 2400 ft. and...  KABOOM!!! that was
> > that...
> > The only thing left was the conning tower.
> > A lot of time and money gone, but a least no one was in it.
> Yes, unmanned depth testing is very important. I have a question though.
> If your sub does go boom, how do you recover the bits? There may be some
> pieces that you may be able to reuse. At the very least you can so some
> failure analysis and try to figure out what went wrong.
> So is the answer to use a wrench and cable strong enough to lift the dead
> weight of your submersible?
> How do you measure the depth accruately enough to make sure you were at the
> correct test depth and not too far down?
> Regards,
> Ray