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To anyone designing or building a sub

I'm sure you understand that there are a lot of factors to take into
consideration when you design a sub, I have a story to tell you, that
even if you "think" you know what your doing and you follow standards
and procedures that are proven, a disaster can still be waiting for you.

Don't let this stop you, but make you think...

A few weeks ago or so, someone I know that has built two very successful
submersibles, was testing his new sub, he build it to exacting
standards, the pressure hull was made of expensive hi strength steel and
was supposed to have an operating depth of 2000 ft.
He weighted the sub out and took it down to 200 ft, no problem,
everything working properly.
Next step, a drop test.  Well, they take the sub out to deep water, hook
a cable to it,
weight it down, and away it goes...
Their test depth is 2500 ft. now according to all the calculations the
collapse depth should be way deeper than this. (sorry I don't have all
the details)
anyway, the sub drops down to 2400 ft. and...  KABOOM!!! that was
The only thing left was the conning tower.
A lot of time and money gone, but a least no one was in it.
Now if they never dropped tested it, and never took it down past 2000,
maybe nothing would ever happen... maybe it would...

The point is, if this can happen to people that "know" what their doing,
it can happen to you.
So when you complete your sub, please don't just jump in it and go down
and think everything will be ok. test, test ,test. Then test some more,
your life may depend on it.
If your thinking no one in their right mind would just take a new sub
down without testing it, you're wrong, without the proper info and
guidance it could and maybe has happened.

This is mostly aimed at first time designers and builders... like myself
Play it safe and have fun !!!