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Re: [Fwd: AD:Why do you want to own a Yacht?]

Call me a skeptic... The market for 20 million dollar subs is on the small
side.  I seem to reall that there are already diesel/electric tourist subs
on the market in the 4-5 million range.  The real question is whether this
company has ever actually launched a boat?


>Read in the boatbuilding newsgroup.
>Martin Sanderse
>The Ingenuity Group Inc.
>Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management
>From: luxurysubs@hotmail.com
>Newsgroups: rec.boats.building
>Subject: AD:Why do you want to own a Yacht?
>Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 00:18:55 GMT
>Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion
>Lines: 11
>Message-ID: <6v165e$943$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
>X-Article-Creation-Date: Fri Oct 02 00:18:55 1998 GMT
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>Why would anyone want to own a Boat or Yacht?  When you can have a Personal
>Luxury Submarine.
>Want to see more. Check us out at;
>Come and visit us down under the sea.
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