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Re: information

Hi Fa'bio,

You would be a better response if you joined the listserver alias.
I Cd: the alias with this respose. Joing the group would be best.

We already have a person on the listserver alias from Brazil. I know Brazil is
a big country but it might be worth them getting in contact with you, but that
is at the discretion of that member. Sorry, forgot the name. 

Start looking at the Scripps Instutions's Would Submarine Invitational web
page at:


Do web searches on "human" + "powered" + "submarine".


> 	Dear Mr. RAY keefer
> 	I am na undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineeing at UNIVERSITY OF
> RIO GRANDE,Brazil.Actually,I am working in desining a propulsion system for
> a submarine with human propulsion.
> 	Searching the Internet,I am about your work and I wold have more
> infomation about it.I am studying all possible solutions for human
> propulsion in subinarines and your help will be very welcome.
> 	Gratefully
> Fábio Kepes
> kepes@dmc.furg.br